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Electronic Test Instruments Robert Witte Pdf

This book is for the student, engineer or technician who understands basic electronics and wants to learn more about electronic measurements. To use instruments effectively, it is necessary to understand basic measurement theory and how it relates to practical measurements. This book explains these fundamentals as well as practical measurement techniques. The book makes extensive use of circuit models or 'black boxes' to explain instrument behavior. This circuit model approach reduces the amount of detail that must be remembered and understood.

AIM To introduce the concept of measurement and the related instrumentation requirement as a vital ingredient of electronics and communication engineering. OBJECTIVE To learn. Basic measurement concepts. Concepts of electronic measurements. Importance of signal generators and signal analysers in measurements. Relevance of digital instruments in measurements. The need for data acquisition systems.

Measurement techniques in optical domains. UNIT I BASIC MEASUREMENT CONCEPTS 9 Measurement systems – Static and dynamic characteristics – units and standards of measurements – error analysis – moving coil, moving iron meters – multimeters – True RMS meters – Bridge measurements – Maxwell, Hay, Schering, Anderson and Wien bridge. UNIT II BASIC ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS 9 Electronic multimeters – Cathode ray oscilloscopes – block schematic – applications – special oscilloscopes – Q meters – Vector meters – RF voltage and power measurements. UNIT III SIGNAL GENERATORS AND ANALYZERS 9 Function generators – RF signal generators – Sweep generators – Frequency synthesizer – wave analyzer – Harmonic distortion analyzer – spectrum analyzer. UNIT IV DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS 9 Comparison of analog and digital techniques – digital voltmeter – multimeters – frequency counters – measurement of frequency and time interval – extension of frequency range – measurement errors.


UNIT V DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS AND FIBER OPTIC MEASUREMENTS 9 Elements of a digital data acquisition system – interfacing of transducers – multiplexing – computer controlled instrumentation – IEEE 488 bus – fiber optic measurements for power and system loss – optical time domains reflectometer. TOTAL: 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Albert D.Helfrick and William D.Cooper – Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Prentice Hall of India, 2003. Performance characteristics of instruments, Static characteristics, Accuracy, Resolution, Pr ec is io n, Ex pe ct ed va lu e, Er ro r, Se ns it iv it y. Er ro rs in M ea su re me nt, Dy na mi c Char act eris tic s-s pee d of res pons e, Fide lit y, Lag and Dyn ami c err.

Electronic Test Instruments Robert Witte Pdf

DC Vol tim ete rs- Multi range, Range extension/Sol id state and diffe rential voltmeters, AC voltme ters- multi range, range extension, shunt. Thermocouple type RF ammeter, Ohmmeters series type, shunt type, Multimeter for Voltage, Current and resistance measurements.