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Virtual Wind Tunnel Software

ABAQUSWith Abaqus/CAE you can quickly and efficiently create, edit, monitor, diagnose, and visualize advanced Abaqus analyses. The intuitive interface integrates modeling, analysis, job management, and results visualization in a consistent, easy-to-use environment that is simple to learn for new users, yet highly productive for experienced users. Abaqus/CAE supports familiar interactive computer-aided engineering concepts such as feature-based, parametric modeling, interactive and scripted operation, and GUI customization. I have released Open VOGEL a couple of years a go as GPL3 free open source software. It is based in potential flow theory, so it is not in the same level as a FEM-base program. However, it does present some interesting features, and you might find it useful for solving problems like the interaction between surfaces and fuselages, and static aero-elasticity.I have never used Tornado, but I believe from what I have read in their specifications that Open VOGEL is more complete (and I am not trying to sell anything). It also runs in windows as standalone, you don't need any special supporting framework behind (like Matlab).So when it comes to free software, if I was you I would definitely give it a try.

Most of other comparable rivals are proprietary software, and not cheap at all.Just google Open VOGEL and you'll find it.

Virtual Wind Tunnel Software

Virtual Wind Tunnel Software Free

Capabilities Pre-processing. Meshing.

Online Wind Tunnel

Predefined mesh settings available, coarse/medium/fine. User defined volume refinement zones, also for individual parts. User defined Boundary Layer (BL) parameters, globally or on part basis.